Day 21, morning

Three weeks in, and another day of careful management of Kathy’s swollen brain. Aine, who has done most of the ultrasound checks, tells me we’ve likely seen the last of the ultrasounds, as Kathy’s vaso spasms have left the room. CT scans likely won’t be performed for awhile, I’m told, because they are an extra stimulus that won’t really tell us anything at this point that a (hopeful) decrease in Kathy’s need for the regular course of alternating Mannitol and 3% saline. Meanwhile, we stare at the monitors hoping for a change.

Here’s something about Kathy that I’ll bet nobody knows but me: she hoards candles. Hoard is probably the wrong word, but she buys them like they’re the only thing that will save us in case of a natural disaster and she can sense a monsoon coming. I’ve found them in unlikely spots all over the house. I tried to consolidate them into one cabinet, and kind of succeeded. Then new ones started showing up in all their former hideouts. She won’t tell me why she likes having so many.

She will be touched beyond belief at yesterday’s Mission candle ceremony, and just as surely by the nurses’ station candle ceremony. As I’ve said, Kathy is a great believer in the healing power of lighted candles coupled with prayer. Thank you Susie for alerting me to the ceremony, and, with Gail, for sending photos. They made me smile through tears.

Abby, Paige and I held our own prayer circle at exactly 2:00 pm yesterday to contribute our energies and to feel the love coming from our friends in San Luis, and from all the others who have been sending their blessings literally from around the world.

Our friend Kevin tells me there was a ceremony at another house of worship. And our friend Allen arranged yet another at our special non-denominational, daily gathering place, Legends, our Cheers-like pub in Morro Bay.

Kathy will have to be well into her recovery to withstand the rush of emotion she will experience learning of all those ceremonies and looking at those photos.

She and I once neglected to douse the candles of a jack-o-lantern. In the morning the sad, collapsed creature had wax tears.

8 Comments on Day 21, morningThree weeks in, and another day

  1. I love the candle story, and imagining Kathy’s reaction when she realizes that you shared her little secret with the world. You are definitely going to get “the look” for that one. I guess you will need to give her extra bear hugs to make up for it. We continue to send you good vibes, and will light some candles in San Clemente. I love the idea of candles lit around the globe, lighting the way for Kathy to awaken. Come on, Kathy!

  2. Kathy was also sent a surge of love and healing energy from the crowd at Morro Bay’s 4th of July down at Tideland’s park last Thursday while we all “did the Kathy” to the tune of What’s Goin’ On by Marvin Gaye. You both are so loved Richard ! Keep on keepin’ on Kathy, Linda

  3. Thank you so much for keeping everyone informed with such feeling. I read the good days reports several times a day to reassure me. I think of all of you many times a day, sending my prayers. Love you all, Patty

  4. Dear Richard, Abby and Paige, I will think of Kathy every time I light a candle now. When you have time, tell us more about her likes and dislikes. Stacy and I are putting the quilt together and we know that she loves birds, but does she have a favorite bird? What is her favorite flower or favorite color. The quilt is already filled with love, but I like to personalize it too!
    I am at work today, but so encouraged by your posts. My thoughts and prayers will continue to be with you…Love, Laurel

  5. Richard,
    I am holding my own service here at 708 Cherokee Dr. in Fort Collins, CO. I know my good vibes do make it out to California as I remember when Lola had her car accident she pulled through (thanks in part to you and kathy’s help) just as our Kathy will.

  6. Richard – Back Bay Betty dedicated a tune to you and Kathy at July 4th gig in MB. Had a great crowd response from complete strangers as well as your mutual friends. Feelin’ the love big-time. jj

  7. Another thing that many might now know about Kathy, is that she is a great whistler. I can’t say about when she’s bringing life at Sierra Vista, but at home when she’s cleaning, gardening, doing any chore….she most often whistles. One day, working with Richard in his home office, I asked him what Kathy was whistling. He replied that he didn’t know. ‘everything she whistles sounds like “Michael Row Your Boat Ashore” to me’. Memories help my heart right now. Come on Kathy! Give me The Look. xo

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